Monday, December 31, 2012

I admit it, I failed!

About a year ago, I posted how 2012 was going to be the year to blog and record our family memories. Well, lets just say it didn't happen (after the first month of the year anyway). 2012 was a great year for us, we got to do a lot of traveling and see lots of interesting things. Dru and Cooper got to experience Disney World which was awesome, we got to snorkel in Grand Turk and lay around on the beach at Half Moon Cay, the Atlantis Resort is amazing! Bring on 2013, I'm ready for a new year and new memories. I get told all the time, I need to record the boys crazy doings and sayings so this WILL be my year to blog and record the "happenings of the Wilson family" Thanks for stopping by! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Below are a couple pictures from 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dru and Coopers Bdays 2012

Thank you to everyone who came out to help us celebrate at Bo's for Dru and Coopers birthday party. The boys had a great time with their Angry Birds party, the grandparents did a great job on the birthday cake. We are truly blessed with wonderful family and friends. I am so proud of the way Dru and Cooper are growing up, and coming into there own personalities. I am one proud Mom. God has blessed me with the most awesome family in my three guys and I love them all to pieces. Happy Birthday Dru and Cooper, I hope you know how much you two mean to me. You are the greatest gifts I have ever been given. I love you two to the moon and back. Love Mom

Monday, January 23, 2012

I've been blessed

I remember several years ago when all I wanted was to have children, there was a time when I never thought I would be called mom. Today I look back on those years and I know it was a life lesson, everything is in God's time. I have been blessed with two healthly little boys, whose eyes light up when I enter the room. I have been blessed with a Godly husband, who thinks the world of me and I of him. I could not ask for a better father for my children or for a better husband. Though no relationship is perfect, and every relationship requires work I'm happy to say that this relationship is worth the work, forever and always-no matter what. Nick, Dru and Cooper you are my world. I love the three of you to the moon and back, and back to the moon again.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

:( not again

Just a little over a week ago I wrote because we had lost a loved one in the community. Yesterday, I lost a dear cousin --Lisa Poole, to cancer. Lisa is about 11 years older than me, but I have a special place in my heart for her. When I was little her and Gigi would let me spend the night with them. I LOVED staying with Lisa and Gigi because they would let me make red jello and eat it for breakfast the next morning. I would eat the whole bowl of jello. lol Lisa had adenoid cystic ca, which is a rare but form of cancer. During her battle I stayed with her andd visited her at Baptist Hospital, she kept such a sweet spirit about her. No matter what the cancer did to her, it couldn't wipe the smile off her face. She was simply happy to be alive, WOW- what a life lesson. She fought for about ten years, before going to her heavnly home. Lisa--I know you are walking on golden streets and dancing around in your manison. You will forever be missed. The word "hope" will forever mean Lisa Poole to me for the rest of my life. I love you.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Certainly not the way I wanted to start this blog, but today Gavin went to be with our Heavenly Father. Life is so uncertain and down right scary at times, you never know what is going to happen or when one of our loved ones is going to be called home. My heart is completely broken for Stephanie, Harvey, Dylan and the rest of the Fritts/Duncan/Wilson family. There are no words to express how sorry I am this happened, yet I'm thanking God for the grace and mercy He showed during this time. I'm also thankful to be a part of the "Dry Ponds" family which means the most amazing family/community support system that anyone could ever wish for. This family has surrounded the Fritts', and oozed support in any way possible. We are there for each other, to lead a hand, and ear or whatever may be needed. It's comforting to know that support system is there if needed.

Though Stephanie and Harvey may never know it, this situation has completely opened my eyes to how fragile life is. Tonight I took Dru and Cooper to dinner, the three of us went to Captain's Galley and had a great conversation and a wonderful time together. During this dinner, I couldn't help but thank God for the many blessings I have. I have been blessed so far beyond what I will ever deserve, I am certainly not worthly but I am very greatful. I realize how much I need to slow down, I'm always on the go doing this or that. This and that isn't important, the two little boys tugging on my pants as I'm getting ready are what are important. Joyce Brothers said "When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses." I'm going to make a better effort of making those family memories for all of us.

Jan 5, 2012

Ok, so I see now that maybe I'm not going to be that good at keeping up with this blog thing. I am going to make a better effort from this point forward though. Maybe that's my new years resolution, this time next year I hope to have this blog full of wonderful Wilson family memories. Sit back and buckle up because this next year will be an interesting one, I'm sure. We work hard and play hard, I wouldn't trade this life of mine for anyone elses in the world.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The boys.....

I decided to start this blog as a quick way to go back and record todays events so we will be able to go back and look at them years from now. Everyone seems to be into scrap booking or putting together memory albums, I'm neither that creative nor to I have the time or space to sit and scrapbook for hours on end. I hope one day Dru and Cooper, you both sit down with your own children and go through this blog and share some of the memories we've made together.

I have wanted nothing more than to be a wonderful wife to your daddy and the best mom that I can possibly be. It's not always been easy and I've made a ton of mistakes but my children are always my main concern. I want you to take if nothing else from me, "if it is worth having, it is worth working for" Too many people pass through this world with an open hand looking for handouts from everyone else, this is the one thing that I will always strive my hardest to make sure you understand. Hard work never hurt anybody. I love you two boys more than anything on this earth, and I will always love and protect you guys.